Here you can find information about the charity including Annual Reports, Audited Accounts and Policy Documents. You can also find information about the Quality Standards our services work to.
Signed Accounts to 31st March 2023
Filename: 1705096083_Signed-Accounts-to-31-March-2023.pdf
File size: 1725KB
FASS Public Complaints Procedure
FASS aims to provide a high standard of service for the public. Outlined here is a process we have set up for you if you wish to make a comment or are in any way dissatisfied. We believe that paying full attention to your observations and concerns enables us to improve the quality of our service.
Filename: 1623073734_FASS-Public-Complaints-Procedure-2020.pdfFile size: 235KB
The Quality Principles: Standard Expectations of Care and Support in Drug and Alcohol Services - poster
Our alcohol and drug services are delivered in line with these quality standards developed by the Scottish Government and intended for use by services throughout Scotland. This is a poster/leaflet that lists the quality principles and also provides some useful contact details.
Filename: The-Quality-Principles-Standard-Expectations-of-Care-and-Support-in-Drug-and-Alcohol-Services-2014-Poster.pdfFile size: 74KB
Tags: quality-standards
The Quality Principles: Standard Expectations of Care and Support in Drug and Alcohol Services
Our alcohol and drug services are delivered in line with these quality standards developed by the Scottish Government and intended for use by services throughout Scotland. This is the full standards document.
Filename: The-Quality-Principles-Standard-Expectations-of-Care-and-Support-in-Drug-and-Alcohol-Services-2014.pdfFile size: 398KB
Tags: quality-standards
COSCA Statement of Ethics and Code of Practice
FASS is an organisational member of COSCA (Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland), the professional body for Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland. Our counselling and psycohtherapy services are delivered in line with COSCA's statement of ethics and code of practice.
Filename: COSCA-Statement-of-Ethics-and-Code-of-Practice-Nov-2014.pdfFile size: 815KB
Tags: quality-standards