Showing downloads tagged “Self help”

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Looking after Others

Guidance about how to spot the signs of problem drinking, ways to help, changes you can make and who you can talk to for support. This booklet is from the Alcohol Support and Information series produced by FASS and Tayside Council on Alcohol.

Filename: lookingafter-ver1.0.pdf
File size: 259KB
Tags: alcohol-support-and-information self-help family-support
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Sensible Drinking

This booklet looks at how alcohol affects that body and offers suggestions for drinking more safely and staying healthy. It's for people who are concerned that they may be drinking more than is safe and sensible. This booklet is from the Alcohol Support and Information series produced by FASS and Tayside Council on Alcohol.

Filename: sensibledrinking-ver1.0.pdf
File size: 182KB
Tags: self-help alcohol-support-and-information
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Alcohol & Insomnia

Find out why alcohol affects your sleep. Read about ways to get a good night's sleep. This leaflet is from the Alcohol Support and Information series produced by FASS and Tayside Council on Alcohol.

Filename: alcoholandinsommnia-ver2.0.pdf
File size: 152KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information self-help
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Alcohol & Medications

This factsheet aims to help you use medicines safely, be aware of the effects of alcohol and avoid any risks of mixing medicines with alcohol. Please not that this factsheet only gives general advice. It's important you discuss any concerns you may have about using medicines with your doctor or pharmacist. This leaflet is from the Alcohol Support and Information series produced by FASS and Tayside Council on Alcohol.

Filename: alcoholandmedication-ver2.0.pdf
File size: 228KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information self-help
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Alcohol & Nutrition

How does alcohol affect nutrient intake? If you are drinking more alcohol than the recommended low risk limits, the essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy may be affected.

Filename: alcoholandnutrition-ver2.0.pdf
File size: 1943KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information self-help
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Alcohol & Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, you may be feeling bombarded with advice and opinions from lots of different people. An important factor to consider in your pregnancy is how alcohol will affect you and your baby's developing baby.

Filename: alcoholandpregnancy-ver2.0.pdf
File size: 155KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information self-help
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Alcohol & Safety

Personal safety is our ability to go about our everyday lives without fear or threat of violence or aggression. Going on a night out should be an enjoyable experience if alcohol is used responsibly and we are in control of our actions and behaviour. This leaflet is from the Alcohol Support and Information series produced by FASS and Tayside Council on Alcohol.

Filename: alcoholandsafety-ver2.0.pdf
File size: 150KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information self-help
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Men & Alcohol

Many people enjoy alcohol and drink sensibly. Alcohol is so widely used that we sometimes forget if we have too much it can cause harm to the body and mind. This leaflet includes some facts and figures, macho drinking culture, alcohol and physical health, alcohol and behaviour, mental health and coping with stress.

Filename: menandalcohol-ver2.0.pdf
File size: 149KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information self-help
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Sensible drinking

This booklet looks at how alcohol affects that body and offers suggestions for drinking more safely and staying healthy. It's for people who are concerned that they may be drinking more than is safe and sensible. This booklet is from the Alcohol Support and Information series produced by FASS and Tayside Council on Alcohol.

Filename: Sensible-Drinking.pdf
File size: 2550KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling self-help
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Men and alcohol

Many people enjoy alcohol and drink sensibly. Alcohol is so widely used that we sometimes forget if we have too much it can cause harm to the body and mind. This leaflet includes some facts and figures, macho drinking culture, alcohol and physical health, alcohol and behaviour, mental health and coping with stress.

Filename: Men-and-Alcohol.pdf
File size: 1406KB
Tags: self-help alcohol-counselling

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