Showing downloads tagged “Alcohol counselling”
Relapse Prevention
Help for you to manage change. Now that you have decided to stop drinking, where do you go from here? Up to now alcohol has been a significant part of your life. It may have influenced your lifestyle, people you met and things you did. It's now time to make changes. This booklet is from the Alcohol Support and Information series produced by FASS and Tayside Council on Alcohol. It is a practical toolkit of relapse prevention strategies and skills.
Filename: relapsprevention-ver1.0.pdfFile size: 208KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information
Coping with Detox
If you drink heavily over a prolonged period of time, your body can become dependent on it. Even if you want to stop drinking, it can be difficult because of the withdrawal symptoms that you can experience as a result of stopping. This booklet provides information about what to expect during an alcohol detox. This booklet is from the Alcohol Support and Information series produced by FASS and Tayside Council on Alcohol.
Filename: copingwithdetox-ver1.0.pdfFile size: 225KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information
Alcohol & Insomnia
Find out why alcohol affects your sleep. Read about ways to get a good night's sleep. This leaflet is from the Alcohol Support and Information series produced by FASS and Tayside Council on Alcohol.
Filename: alcoholandinsommnia-ver2.0.pdfFile size: 152KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information self-help
Alcohol & Medications
This factsheet aims to help you use medicines safely, be aware of the effects of alcohol and avoid any risks of mixing medicines with alcohol. Please not that this factsheet only gives general advice. It's important you discuss any concerns you may have about using medicines with your doctor or pharmacist. This leaflet is from the Alcohol Support and Information series produced by FASS and Tayside Council on Alcohol.
Filename: alcoholandmedication-ver2.0.pdfFile size: 228KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information self-help
Alcohol & Nutrition
How does alcohol affect nutrient intake? If you are drinking more alcohol than the recommended low risk limits, the essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy may be affected.
Filename: alcoholandnutrition-ver2.0.pdfFile size: 1943KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information self-help
Alcohol & Pregnancy
If you are pregnant, you may be feeling bombarded with advice and opinions from lots of different people. An important factor to consider in your pregnancy is how alcohol will affect you and your baby's developing baby.
Filename: alcoholandpregnancy-ver2.0.pdfFile size: 155KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information self-help
Alcohol & Safety
Personal safety is our ability to go about our everyday lives without fear or threat of violence or aggression. Going on a night out should be an enjoyable experience if alcohol is used responsibly and we are in control of our actions and behaviour. This leaflet is from the Alcohol Support and Information series produced by FASS and Tayside Council on Alcohol.
Filename: alcoholandsafety-ver2.0.pdfFile size: 150KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information self-help
Men & Alcohol
Many people enjoy alcohol and drink sensibly. Alcohol is so widely used that we sometimes forget if we have too much it can cause harm to the body and mind. This leaflet includes some facts and figures, macho drinking culture, alcohol and physical health, alcohol and behaviour, mental health and coping with stress.
Filename: menandalcohol-ver2.0.pdfFile size: 149KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling alcohol-support-and-information self-help
Referral forms - text and file information
Filename: Referral-Forms---Text-and-File-Information.docx
File size: 16KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling referral-form
Sensible drinking
This booklet looks at how alcohol affects that body and offers suggestions for drinking more safely and staying healthy. It's for people who are concerned that they may be drinking more than is safe and sensible. This booklet is from the Alcohol Support and Information series produced by FASS and Tayside Council on Alcohol.
Filename: Sensible-Drinking.pdfFile size: 2550KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling self-help
Men and alcohol
Many people enjoy alcohol and drink sensibly. Alcohol is so widely used that we sometimes forget if we have too much it can cause harm to the body and mind. This leaflet includes some facts and figures, macho drinking culture, alcohol and physical health, alcohol and behaviour, mental health and coping with stress.
Filename: Men-and-Alcohol.pdfFile size: 1406KB
Tags: self-help alcohol-counselling
Stories, poems and artwork about alcohol recovery through counselling. Over the years our clients have relayed to us their stories and experiences. Some of these stories may ring a bell or inspire you to think more deeply about the effect alcohol is having on your life. With alcohol, people often put the brakes on at the right moment, but for those who find it difficult, there's always help out there. This booklet illustrates some of those difficult but successful journeys.
Filename: Journeys.pdfFile size: 8105KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling
Zapobieganie nawrotom (Relapse prevention)
Filename: Relapse-Prevention-PL-1.pdf
File size: 2760KB
Tags: polish-self-help alcohol-counselling polish-alcohol-support-and-information
Alcohol counselling - starting out
This is a short guide about coming to alcohol counselling for the first time. It was written specially for our clients by our counsellors.
Filename: Alcohol-Counselling---Starting-Out.pdfFile size: 3745KB
Tags: alcohol-counselling