New FASS/ADAPT Fife Recovery Groups

This month saw the launch of two new FASS/ADAPT Recovery Groups in the Central Fife and West Fife areas.

The first opened on the 16th of August at the Templehall Community Centre in Beauly Place Kirkcaldy and was followed on the 28th of August by the West Fife group which opened at the Lochgelly Centre in Bank Street Lochgelly.

The one in Kirkcaldy - to be known as the KY2 Club - is now open every Wednesday from 1 - 3pm and the Lochgelly group (the KY5 Club) is now open every Monday from 1 - 3pm. 


KY2 Club





KY2 Club in Kirkcaldy


The groups are modelled after the highly successful KY8 Club which runs at the Methil Community and Education Centre on Fridays in Bowling Green Street Methil from 11am to 1pm. 

All three groups offer a uniquely holistic approach to addressing the issues which are faced by those in recovery and are fully in line with the MAT standards in providing tailored support according to the specific needs and wishes of the individual. They are open to all who are affected by substance or alcohol use including family members and friends of those directly affected.

These groups not only offer the attendees hot snacks, tea and coffe along with informal support and guidance but also through our partner organisations who attend the groups offer:

  • NHS Rapid Access Clinic to facilitate fast track prescribing
  • NHS Blood Bonre Virus testing
  • Overdose awareness training including Naloxone and Nixoid training and provision
  • Wound care
  • Dental health pathways
  • Auricular acupuncture
  • Pregnancy testing 
  • Access to harm reduction equipment
  • Mental health guidance
  • Advocacy

Meet the team behind the new groups here and find out more about what the new clubs have to offer:



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